Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ice Skating

Me & step mum took the boys to Ice Skating at SP :-)
The boys complaint it's been a while since they go for ice-skating..
since they just finished their final term exams...
Aunty promised & took them. The first & last time I saw them skating is when we were on holiday in Italy.. Hahaha & that was hilarious!!!
It's their first time so they can't really skate keep on fall downs but the good part they didn't give up :-) so proud of them! So when in SP I can see a lot of improvement compare to the last time.. Adam can skate with speeding I was shocked! hehe but he's improving mucho :-)
While AD also can skate on his own already good good job lil bro!

Sharing some pictures of them happy happy boys get to go ice skating! *chuckles*

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