Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year of 2015 :)

I have been meaningggg to blog about leaving 2014 behind.. Ahhh so so excited and overwhelmed to welcome new year of 2000 anddd 'faith-teen'!! :))

First thing first, Alhamdulillah I am still breathing, my family and closest friends is also doing well. Alhamdulilah.. Alhamdulilah I'm so grateful for everything that I've been through all the ups and downs.. Everything! 

One thing I definitely learnt from past year hahaha obviously it's past year wohoo! By saying this I am content is... God is fair. By means my career has been my priority, all the negative energy that I was holding I am grateful that I managed it, shift it to my work. I never ever could believe that I could push myself so hard and by seeing the final appraisal I am just so syukur. Starting with I was selected to work from home effective month of September, it was rather convenient for me. I get to save more time, money and energy even it has pros and cons. I don't want to elaborate on that not so detail hahaha. Eventually I gained lots of experience especially in terms of operation. By surprise the past year I did not utilize my free coupons means I was not been traveling I had to utlize it on the last day of the year gezz thank god I remember! So yeah past year wassss all about me and my work.

For this year, Trapped under the weight of a false accusation, I've done a lot of thinking about the kind of girl I want to be from now on. I'd like to be the kind that does what she says she's going to do. InsyaAllah amin.. Still grateful as I am and for some people is so grateful because they likes to see the best in people. I like to see the truth.  Last but not least I'm not a stop along the way, I'm a destination. 

Here's the some pictures of my 2014 :)