Thursday, May 21, 2015


People living these days I find it we are lacking of humanity. The one characteristic that holds us as a human are the ones that have been deprive.

Despite what racial, religious, family background or statuses we are all just humankind making a living in this dunia.

Maybe, what different us is either we are more blessed with health/wealth/ it can be other way around. Subahanallah. Point is it does not make any right to hurt another person physically/mentally and even both.

What I have always learnt, always always remember your roots and never treat a person the way you does not want to be treated. Surely I am beyond perfect, but if you want to attract goodness, you need to put forth just that. Instead of being cruel and selfish, learn to be kind, confident and generous.

Strive to be a humble person in all aspects of your life. You will be at peace when you reach a stage where you have absolute humility.
"Nowadays everyone knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing."
- Oscar Wild

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