For this special comes back I officially & humbly like to announce that..... that... I'm getting..
My certificate of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Tourism Management :-)))
Thanks to god & the major resource to My one & precious DAD <3
I know I'm not the "good" kind of child during my studies period.. & I misbehaved like a monkey just got a rose? hmmphh.. yeah something like that :-p but deep down I always avoid not to disappoint you dad!
To be honest, I'm the most happy graduates during the graduation ceremony in the hall I must said :-')
It's was one of the biggest time in my life's & my dad was there to see me going up on stage to get my scroll finally after 4 years!! One of the best moment in my life. FULL STOP.
&& To my dearly Unty (step mum) Thanks for encouraging my dad to be with me on my special day, I know if it wasn't for you dad wouldn't act politely & patiently cos I know dad not very (not to mention)hehe!
I appreciate all your good deeds upon me settle my house bills every months, culik-ing me away for the isolated place ohh...I couldn't thank more but I am grateful & appreciate it so much!
Here's some picture for my graduation day:-

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