Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When comes to certain occassion...

To start over is scary... How do I start over coz
when you're gone and you took half of me with you,

I never imagine it's you dat gonna leave me..
you always leave me.. kan..?

But this time you leave me forever mok.. sedih..

Now I know why god don't want me to be so closed with you..

He loves you more mok..

Everyday I miss you.. I miss you so much

Thanks mok.. Whatever you've start you finish it..
and When comes to certain ocassion it's cause me to..
Breakdown and cry

"Mok.. bila nak balik JB? Mok.. bila nk habis belajar? Nanti habis belajar balik kita kahwin k mok.. Mok.. Aku happy sgt dpt borak dgn kau tak ada la aku saja ckp je aku happy sgt Mok.."

ANDEK MD AFHAM (9/8/1987-17/4/2010)

1 comment:

  1. look at the picture.. are you talking bout same person??
